
Human Design with Christie Inge

Making quantum leaps through words alone (Sun transits gate 23)

Published about 2 years ago • 1 min read

Today, the sun moved into the first line of Gate 23.

I call Gate 23 the Alchemical Wordsmith because it's the energy of powerful words, speaking truth, and transformation. It gives us the energy to express words that create quantum leaps.

You can read all about gate 23 here.

And you can harness the full power of this transit, whether it's defined in your chart or not, by contemplating the prompts at the end of the post.

Christie Inge | Creator of the Human Design Map
5/2 Splenic Projector | LAX of the Clarion 2 (57/51, 62/61)

p.s. I do a deep dive on all four gates of your Incarnation Cross in the Human Design Map. The map makes your IC gates easy to understand, practical, and magical. Get your map here.

Human Design with Christie Inge

5/2 Splenic Projector, LAX of the Clarion 2 (57/51, 62/61)

I am a Master Energy Healer and Human Design expert who guides spiritual seekers and creatives to rediscover their soul's purpose and express their unique energy in an authentic and meaningful way. Through my work, I help clients gain an undeniable understanding of their Human Design and provide practical tools and support to apply it in their real lives. With my guidance, clients make a wildly valuable contribution to the world by unblocking their creative flow, connecting with their unique spiritual path, and fully expressing their soul's purpose. Subscribe to my main email list by entering your email below and clicking "get new post notification." You can also buy your Human Design Map or subscribe to my behind-the-scenes blog by clicking the links icon.

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