Let's Burn Some Karma β™Œβ™Œβ™Œ Tarot Pull for Leo Season

Yesterday, July 21, 2024, at 8:44 pm, the sun entered the sign of Leo.

While the sun traverses through the gate of Leo - gates 56, 31, 33, 7, 4, 29 - light will be cast upon the themes of confidence, creativity, and radiance. The light (aka awareness) will help you see how the archetypes of Leo serve your higher purpose (aka your conscious sun gate).

And, since the transits affect the collective, there will be mirrors everywhere, revealing the golden and taboo shadows of Leo and where your specific opportunity for expansion is.

Some of the golden shadows of Leo are:

  • confident
  • radiant
  • regal
  • expressive
  • creative
  • generous

Some of the taboo shadows of Leo are:

  • prideful
  • vain
  • pompous
  • egocentric
  • melodramatic

Rejecting these shadow parts is how "blocks" are formed in your aura.

The "blocks" prevent you from moving forward purposefully, keep you stuck in people pleasing, and create the not-self themes of frustration, bitterness, anger, and disappointment.

But, despite what society has told you, your shadow parts are your greatest allies and sources of strength. They are what make you whole and complete within your Authentic Self.

Understanding your shadow parts, showering them with unconditional love and radical acceptance, and reintegrating them into your self-concept is how you unkink your flow -- every single time.

It's Alchemy at its finest. And it frees you from the judgment of others and false societal narratives to prove your worthiness.

That is exactly what I teach you how to do inside the Human Design Map & Portal. And when you go on that journey, you become liberated in your authenticity and expand your capacity to make purposeful choices.

In that liberation...

πŸ”₯ people-pleasing screeches to a halt

πŸ”₯ waffling on your decisions becomes a thing of the past

πŸ”₯ superficiality is no longer an option

Free from all that weight, you open the doors to knowing your value in the world, trusting your intuition, feeling purposeful in your day-to-day life, and using your voice for the shit that matters.

Now is the time.

Using your Human Design as the map, you will be unstoppable in that transformation.

In the meantime, I've pulled a Thoth tarot card to help you move forward with clarity and authentiticy.

Please note that I do not interpret the cards in a common fashion.

I interpret them based on the original intention of the Book of Thoth, which serves as a correspondence tool in alchemical path-working (aka the magickal Kabbalah). And, based on a revelation I received in the Summer of 2023, I've gone a step further by corresponding them to the Human Design chart.

(You'll also find the magickal correspondences for all the gates of your incarnation cross inside your ​​Human Design Map.)

All that said...


The card I drew for Leo season was:

Card: The Lovers

Keywords: Openness to inspiration, intuition, intelligence, second sight, childishness, frivolity, thoughtfulness, divorced from practical consideration, indecision, self-contradiction, triviality, the "high-brow."

(Not that the keyword list is from ​Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot by Lon Milo DuQuette​ (<-affiliate link))

Magickal Correspondence:

  • Zodiacal Trump of Gemini
  • Tree of Life Path 17 - joining Binah (3, Understanding) to Tiphareth (6, Beauty)
  • Binah = Left side of the Human Design Ajna Center
  • Human Design Ajna Center = Hindu Ajna Chakra
  • Tiphareth = Human Design G and Will Center
  • Human Design G Center, home of the Magnetic Monopole, combined with the Human Design Will Center = Hindu Anahata (Heart) Chakra = the soul, higher self, source of one's Divine Inner Wisdom
  • Path 17 = The Human Design Channels that flow through the throat, between the Ajna Center and the G Center (17-62, 43-23, 11-56, 31-7, 8-1, 33-13) and the channel that flows from the will to the G (25-51).
  • Human Design Throat Center = Hindu Visshudha (Throat) Chakra = Tree of Life Daath (invisible sphere in the middle of path 13 known as "the abyss") combined with Geburah and Chesod

WTF does it all mean?!?!?

Before jumping into my immediate instinct, I want to lay some "mechanical" groundwork. And probably tangent a time or two.

In the Cabalistic tradition, a pathworker is ascending the Tree of Life to "enlightenment," which is known by many names across the world's spiritual traditions, such as:

  • going to heaven
  • Moksha
  • Accomplishing The Great Work
  • Divine Union
  • 12th Dimension
  • etc., etc., etc.
The rivers are different
but the water is the same
Trevor Hall, 🎢 Unity

Simply put, these "enlightened" states are the highest states of consciousness available to humans.

On the way there, the Tree of Life shows us 9 states of consciousness along the way and 2 key awakenings before the third and final.

The first awakening happens in sphere 6, Tiphareth, which, as noted above, corresponds to the Human Design G center and the Hindu Heart Chakra. The G center is the magnetic monopole's home and the source of our inner wisdom. It holds together the illusion of separateness from the Divine and points us in our most soul-aligned direction.

The awakening happens when we realize that a personal guidance system is available, AND we begin walking the path of surrender by listening for it.

In Christianity, this awakening is known as "accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior."

In the Hindu tradition, it is known as an opening of the heart, most often after being initiated by a SatGuru, the one who will guide you to enlightenment.

In High or Cabalistic Magic, it is known as Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel.

In Human Design, we call it making decisions using your authority. And some might even call it "living your design," but that is an incredibly problematic way to look at it.

I won't open that can of worms here but will say, too often, people use the idea of "living their design" to shame themselves for being human. And that kind of tribal shame is a complete 180Β° from what happens when one's heart chakra is opened. When truly surrendered, shame cannot stay lodged in the aura; it begins to alchemize (through Grace) into authenticity, power, and radical self-acceptance.

(This is at the heart (pun intended?) of what you will learn in the MAP Method for Deconditioning, my signature course included with your Human Design Map (made just for you!) & Portal. Get yours here.)

Whatever you call it, the awakening that happens in Tiphareth is when we begin the practice of tuning out the noise of the external world and start listening to that wise voice of guidance that vibrates with "rightness."

The second awakening happens in Daath, which, as noted above, is an invisible sphere in the middle of path 13 on the Tree of Life. It corresponds to the Hindu Throat Chakra and the Human Design Throat Center.

In High and Cabalistic Magick, we call this "crossing the abyss." And it happens when all of the karma between sphere 6 (Tiphareth) and Daath has been burned off through surrender to the heart. At that moment, you become aware that you are not actually spearate fromt he Divine; you become aware that you and I and them and him are the same.

To be clear, crossing the abyss isn't Divine Union, which happens at sphere 10. Traversing Daath is the moment we become aware that Divine Unity is possible, but there is still karma to be burned off before enlightenment happens. And it requires an even deeper state of surrender.

This leads me to the vision I received while writing the correspondence for The Lovers.

At that moment, I saw a chart that looked a little like this:

It was a human design chart with the ajna, throat, and G center defined. As you likely know, a center is defined when a channel between it and another center is defined. In this case, all channels between G and Ajna are defined.

When this image came into my mind, I heard the words "Self Projected Projector."

To be clear, the chart in my vision is not mechanically possible. But, if we just roll with it for a minute, this hypothetical person would be a self projector projector.

The mechanics of a self-projected projector are:

  • undefined sacral center
  • no definition in the motor centers or spleen
  • at least one defined channel between the G center and Throat.

And those mechanics give us some clues about how the authority of an SPP works.
If you are a self-projected projector, I will cover this in-depth in your Human Design Map, and you are welcome to ask clarifying questions inside the portal.

But, for The Lovers in Leo, the short version is that the recommendation for self-projected projector is to talk our their decisions with a trusted soundboard and that they will know the "right" decision by how it sounds coming out of their mouth.

In other words, a self-projected projector can hear their G center speak, literally.

And here is my heretical hot take:

So can you.

No matter the definition of your G or throat.

When it comes to hearing your inner wisdom, your chart is irrelevant (🀯).

Your chart is a door. It is like a beacon of hope that says walk this way for the adventure of a lifetime.

But it is JUST the door.

As the Tree of Life shows us, walking through the door is the first awakening.

As you move towards the second awakening -- crossing the abyss -- your Anahata (heart) opens wider and wider, and you learn to surrender more and more. As you begin to become aware that you are not separate from the Divine, a beautiful thing happens. Well, many beautiful things occur.

But what the wisdom of the Lovers in Leo and the beauty of the self-projector projector want to express here is that part of surrendering is becoming aware that right and wrong decisions are also illusions. The grip on doing it right loosens. And the attachment to gaining approval slip farther and farther way.

And that frees us to move wherever the heart leads.

So, if you are at a crossroads, tune in and ask yourself:

Am I listening? Am I surrendering?

And if you aren't, check your stories about right and wrong. What are you holding onto that keeps you stuck in the illusion? Is now the time to let it go?

What would you do if you didn't believe there was a right or wrong decision?

Would you trust what your inner wisdom has told you this whole time?

Leo shines like the sun, ready to burn the illusions of right and wrong.

And he is a part of you.

Now is the time to light the match.

Be free. Shine. Bright as fuck.

Here's to a shiny Leo season.

Until we meet again, keep shining bright AF,

Christie Inge
5/2 Splenic Projector born in the LAX of the Clarion 2 (57/51, 62/61)
Creator of the Human Design Map + Portal.
πŸ™‰ Detach From External Noise > πŸ’« Transform Blocks into Power > πŸš€ Be Purposefully Bold


Human Design with Christie Inge

I am a Master Energy Healer and Human Design expert who guides spiritual seekers and creatives to rediscover their soul's purpose and express their unique energy in an authentic and meaningful way. Through my work, I help clients gain an undeniable understanding of their Human Design and provide practical tools and support to apply it in their real lives. With my guidance, clients make a wildly valuable contribution to the world by unblocking their creative flow, connecting with their unique spiritual path, and fully expressing their soul's purpose. Subscribe to my main email list by entering your email below and clicking "get new post notification." You can also buy your Human Design Map or subscribe to my behind-the-scenes blog by clicking the links icon.

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