
Human Design with Christie Inge

joy and contentment + your purpose (☀️ transits gate 58)

Published 4 months ago • 5 min read

Today, December 25th 2023 at 5:46 pm EDT, the sun will begin its transit in Gate 58.

The sun is 70% of the neutrino stream, therefore has the most influence on your energy - both during the transits and at the time of your birth.

Your conscious sun placement is your life's work. And by that, I do not mean your job or your vocation. I mean the true purpose of your incarnation.

You are here to expand the consciousness of your Divinity by mastering the archetype of your conscious sun.

As the sun transits through the 64 gates of the rave mandala, you are invited to reflect on how the current transit influences the expansion of your purpose.

That means that now, with the sun transiting gate 58, it is the perfect time to consider how cultivating joy and contentment enhance the expansion and expression of your conscious sun.

As above, so below.

Here is my personal contemplation of gate 58...

Let me tell you…

I am no stranger to believing that joy and happiness come from the outside — other people, stuff, food, etc.

At one time in my life, nothing “made me happier” than going to Target, grabbing a latte, and browsing the aisles for the latest and greatest thing.

I complained if people didn’t behave as I thought they should. I huffed, and I puffed. I raged all around me.

When I was unhappy at work, I’d look for a new job. When I was disappointed with my boyfriend, I broke up with him. When I “had nothing to wear,” I’d go buy more clothes.

But, no matter how much stuff I accumulated, how much food I ate, and how many boys liked me, it was never enough.

And I know I’m not alone in that. I see it all the time with my clients inside the Human Design Map portal, too. Some people even use their Human Design chart as the new thing to blame when things aren’t working out the way they hoped.

To be clear, I don’t say that in a judgmental way. I say it with a deep ache in my heart because I know how painful that state of being is.

Along the way, we get glimmers of what it means to be in our full power; to abide in the kind of joy that can only come from trusting ourselves.

And we want to surrender to voice of our higher self and inner wisdom so fucking bad it hurts. But making the leap into trusting oneself, after decades of making everyone and everything responsible for your happiness, is a form of ego death. The structures that held up our victim consciousness must burn down before we can create a new way of being.

And that is because of two things:

First, Earth is a world of contrast.

We didn’t incarnate to be blissed out all the time. There are rainbows, butterflies, and maybe even unicorns 😉. But there are also hurricanes, systems of oppression, famine, and war.

We came to expand our consciousness; to play the game of hide and seek with Divine selves. And that expansion comes through the love and acceptance of the shadow.

The contrast of life provides the grit necessary to polish and buff out the karma that keeps you trapped in the illusion of separateness.

On a practical level, that looks like owning your experience and not giving people, your clothes, your bank account, or the cute pillow at target the power to control your inner state of being.

Your thoughts, feelings, and emotions come from how your nervous system interprets the facts of life. And they are compounded by the meaning you make about yourself, the world, and that thing that some call God.

Now, for the love of all things holy, don’t mistake what I mean here.

I’m not saying that if you “just think positive,” you’ll be happy all the time, that you should stay in miserable situations because they are your fault, or that you are to blame for everything you’ve experienced.

Blame and responsibility are two different things.

Blame is about looking to the past to find fault; it comes from fighting with reality and the delusion that you can change the past. Blame gives your power away and leaves you powerless.

Responsibility is looking at what is true right now, eyes wide open, and deciding what you’ll do to move forward. Responsibility is where all of your power to live authentically comes from.

The good news is that your brain and nervous system are malleable like clay and you can stop blaming life (or yourself) and you can start choosing new interpretations, expand your capacity for joy, and create new default patterns.

Your Human Design gives you a map for that journey. And, inside the portal, you’ll learn “how” to expand your capacity for joy by no longer giving your power away and by surrendering to your inner wisdom. Get your map and portal access here.

In the meantime, know this:

Deep joy is available to you.

To experience it, you must start by taking full responsibility for your own well-being. You have to stop giving your power away to the pressures of the world around you. You must remember that…

…If you need your boss to be a certain way for you to be happy, you’re in for a crapshoot.

…If you buy that cute pillow at Target, once it’s been in your living room for a little while, you aren’t even going to notice it anymore.

…If it’s raining outside, hating the weather does nothing to change it.

But when you recognize that your wellbeing is an inside job and that you have what it takes to be your own hero, then, and only then do you have a solid foundation for expansive joy.

And it's delightful.

Get your map here.

Over the next 6ish days, you will find it illuminating to explore these questions:

How dependent on “outside things” are you to experience joy and happiness? Do you like having that attachment? What if it changes?

How can you make space in your life to experience the full range of emotions so that the joy becomes that much sweeter?

In what ways can you cultivate joy and happiness with your thoughts, beliefs, intentional feelings, and actions?

How can you begin to choose more joy today?

And consider how your answers relate to the gate of your conscious sun, the expansion of your consciousness, and the full expression of your purpose.

Until next time,

Christie Inge | Creator of the Human Design Map
5/2 Splenic Projector | LAX of the Clarion 2 (57/51, 62/61)

Are you ready to master your purpose? AND have support for your deconditioning process?


The Human Design Map is for you.

With a typical reading or report, you are often left hanging with questions or unsure of how it applies when the rubber meets the road.

Whether life gets hard or other people's opinions start getting in the way, you need to understand how to show up authentically when real life kicks in. Because it is going to.

And if you don't know how to choose you, in every situation, your Human Design information becomes useless.

Imagine for a moment that you are clear as day about what your next, most aligned step is. And then, here comes your mother, your sister, your BFF, and they try to talk you out of what you know is right for you.

In that moment, you have two choices - walk the people pleasing path or the purposeful path.

To choose the purposeful path, you need to know how to choose your truth, even in the face of adversity or challenge.

What becomes possible for you when you choose the purposeful path, again and again? Deep inside, you already know the answer.

That is why, Human Design Map portal, we focus on learning how to become crystal clear about what is true for you and then deconditioning everything that stands in the way.

You are here -- on purpose -- and your Human Design chart is the map. Get your map here.

Human Design with Christie Inge

5/2 Splenic Projector, LAX of the Clarion 2 (57/51, 62/61)

I am a Master Energy Healer and Human Design expert who guides spiritual seekers and creatives to rediscover their soul's purpose and express their unique energy in an authentic and meaningful way. Through my work, I help clients gain an undeniable understanding of their Human Design and provide practical tools and support to apply it in their real lives. With my guidance, clients make a wildly valuable contribution to the world by unblocking their creative flow, connecting with their unique spiritual path, and fully expressing their soul's purpose. Subscribe to my main email list by entering your email below and clicking "get new post notification." You can also buy your Human Design Map or subscribe to my behind-the-scenes blog by clicking the links icon.

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