
Human Design with Christie Inge

believing in an abundant future (☀️ transits gate 26)

Published 5 months ago • 7 min read

Tomorrow, December 9th 2023 at 3:48 am EDT, the sun will begin its transit in Gate 26.

When the sun is transiting a gate, it is giving you an opportunity to explore its energy and expand your creative expression.

Gate 26 is the archetype of The Sacred Salesperson and gives you the energy to believe in an abundant future for everyone.

Now is the time to notice how and when harnessing seeing a brighter future, selling, and integrity helps you be more authentic in your everyday life. If gate 26 is defined in your chart, you are likely to more clearly see where you are on the frequency spectrum of gate 26. And if it is undefined in your chart, you may notice what The Sacred Salesperson has to teach you about living life as your true self.

As above, so below.

Here is what gate 26 has shown me…

Gate 26 is undefined in my chart but I do have gate 44 hanging in my (heavily) defined spleen center.

And when I was first contemplating gate 26 in my own life, I immediately thought of a sleazy used car salesman. I also noticed that a lot of the traditional Human Design information seemed only to reiterate that “negative” image.

The sleazy car salesperson will do and say anything to get the sale. They follow you around the lot and try to convince you that a Pinto is a Rolls Royce.

That was definitely the original image that was building in my mind and I noticed incredible amounts of resistance building up inside of me. Which, in so many cases, is a signal that there is a shadow ready to be transformed into Graceful power.

So, in noticing the resistance, I reflected on what it has been like learning sales and marketing as a business owner and creator of the Human Design Map.

Though I have only been selling the map since 2020, I have been in business since 2009. And true to my Midheaven being in gate 54, I quickly realized that sales and marketing would be part of my life almost every single day.

Before I was in business, I deeply believed that “being spiritual” and making money were opposed to one another. I was raised in a toxic religion and under the weight of patriarchal systems of oppression.

In those first years in business, something became crystal clear, though.

Without sales and marketing, I don’t make money. And if I don’t make money, I can’t pay my mortgage, buy groceries, or stock my bookshelves. 🙂

As I began to awaken to material success being a valid spiritual path (54), I realized that I’d need to overcome my negative connotations with sales and develop it as a skill that I am confident in.

I’ve come a long way with it, for sure, and by no means did I think I was done with my growth in this area. It seems I am always learning from the mistakes of the past (44) and figuring out what really works for me and my projector aura.

But, even with over a decade of that journey under my belt, I wasn’t expecting that contemplating gate 26 would be so healing for me.

And, whether sales are a regular part of your life or not, I think that what I learned could be an important lesson for you, too.

By now, it is probably clear AF that my relationship with the Divine is important to me. Human Design Gate 61 in my unconscious earth means that I am a mystic. I am spiritually grounded and connected by having direct experience of the Divine and finding the golden thread among all paths to “God.”

And I have grown a lot from my religious upbringing.

I never really resonated with the churches I was raised in, and I abandoned those beliefs in my late teens.

By my early twenties, I had made my way into a life of drugs, alcohol, and sex with strangers.

That whole decade is basically a blur until my brother died shortly after my 28th birthday (aka first Saturn Return). It was the first of many spiritual awakenings that led me to where I am today (which honestly cannot easily be defined with words).

(If you are one of my map clients, be sure to check out the quick and dirty guide on Planetary Seasons in the map portal.)

A couple years after I came out of my Saturn Return, I was introduced to Richard Rohr and one of his most popular books, Falling Upward.

The book’s premise is that in the first spiritual phase of our lives, we rely on other people to tell us who God is and tell us what to do to get into God’s Good Graces.

And, in the second spiritual phase of our lives, we begin to open up to our own understanding of God. It becomes a personal relationship instead of a dictated one.

In the book, he offers his personal insights about the possibilities of what that could be.

But, more importantly than that, he talks about the difference between collapsing our definition of God or expanding it.

He posits that when we face challenges in our lives (gate 28), we tend to make our definition of God smaller. And that the very impulse to “collapse” God is an invitation to expand your definition of God.

In other words, if your definition of God isn’t big enough to hold whatever you are going through, it means you need to make your definition of God bigger.

This completely blew my mind. I can vividly remember storming out of my parent’s house at the age of 18, telling them that I didn’t believe in God.

I had certainly made my definition of God smaller. I could not reconcile my lived experience with that old definition of God.

So, when I read that book, I made a promise to myself that I was willing to reckon with my definition of God and the beliefs about the world that I hold dear. And that if my beliefs couldn’t reconcile out, I’d make God even bigger.

And this brings me back to Human Design Gate 26.

I have long held the belief that every shadow is simply unconscious energy “leaking out sideways.” All energy lives on a spectrum and, therefore, there is always a conscious (aka light) side.

When we harness our energy with conscious intent, we make magick. It is just a matter of looking at the shadows through a fresh, non-dualistic, non-judgmental lens.

But gate 26. UGH. I was hearing all the sales coaches in my head telling me that “sales are service.” I was trying to see the gifts, the value, the innate lovability. But the sleazy car salesman just kept appearing in my mind.

I felt myself collapsing. Like, this tiny little gate in the will center would be the death of my faith in shadow work. LOL.

And then, it hit me.

Go bigger.

Go bigger than the judgment. Go bigger than the car lot. Go bigger than uncomfortable sales conversations.

Go bigger.

I looked at it in a new light and asked myself what it would look like if I made the definition of the 26 bigger than a mere sleazy car salesman? What would it look like to believe that the natural salesperson inside every human soul is full of light? What if I loved the 26 as much as I love the 22? Or the 57? Or the 61?

What if I opened my mind to the possibility of EVERY quality having potential for beauty, awe, and wonder? And what if I let myself love all of the parts that make up that potential?

The result of that question was a deeper understanding of the spectrum of the 26.

Yes, sales are service when they serve everyone involved. And yes, integrity is the most essential value of the 26. And yes, the 26 does help us move into more expanded possibilities in our lives by selling us the things that can take us there.

But at the heart of the 26 is TRUST in the abundance of the Universe.

In that knowing, I could see myself in the sleazy car salesman. I could see myself trying to control and manipulate others. I could see myself convincing myself that my intentions are pure even when they aren’t.

And with that, my heart exploded with compassion. For me. For the sleazy car salesman. And for everyone who has been in the shadows of the 26 because they weren’t trusting in the abundance of life.

This applies to so many areas of our lives. Not just sales, marketing, and business.

But, relationships, food, money, love, worthiness. Everything.

What would it look like to trust in the abundance of life?

The answer is in the confidence of the fully conscious 26.

Over the next 6ish days, you may find it useful to explore these questions:

Where have you given into the fears of lack and scarcity? And in what ways has that led you to control or manipulate the people around you?

Can you have compassion for yourself?

In what ways can you open up to the abundance of life?

And what does trusting in that abundance look like? How does it change conversations? How does it change your relationship with food, your body, money? How does it change your view of worthiness? And lovability?

What do you need to sell yourself on so that you can finally lean into that trust?

When you are ready to take the magick of Human Design to the next level, go on the journey with me, my team, and the map community here. Here is what makes it different from other resources:

  • Unrivaled Esoteric Understanding: Drawing from my deep well of expertise in magick, spiritual alchemy, and energy healing, your map won't just explain your design. By engaging with it and the abundance of resources in the portal, you will unlock your chart's alchemical potential.
  • Heretical Approach: My approach is known for being both liberating and practical. Free from the dogma of traditional Human Design, you’ll be empowered to explore your inner world without making your chart a rule book.
  • More Than Enough Information: Your map will cover your type + strategy, authority, profile, and all four gates of your incarnation cross. You’ll also get my 36 Channels Course, the Nine Centers Guide, the Gates Nuances Guide, the Transits Guided Practice, and numerous “quick and dirty” guides.
  • Guidance Every Step: You won’t be left hanging with questions or confusion about what to do next. Me and my team will be there to give you unwavering support as you go from knowing your design to embodying your authentic purpose with confidence.

Your Human Design is a map for remembering your magick. Every gate, line, center, and channel in your chart hold the power to transform your life in miraculous ways. You just gotta know how to access it.

Unlock the magick of your design here.

Christie Inge | Creator of the Human Design Map
5/2 Splenic Projector | LAX of the Clarion 2 (57/51, 62/61)

Human Design with Christie Inge

5/2 Splenic Projector, LAX of the Clarion 2 (57/51, 62/61)

I am a Master Energy Healer and Human Design expert who guides spiritual seekers and creatives to rediscover their soul's purpose and express their unique energy in an authentic and meaningful way. Through my work, I help clients gain an undeniable understanding of their Human Design and provide practical tools and support to apply it in their real lives. With my guidance, clients make a wildly valuable contribution to the world by unblocking their creative flow, connecting with their unique spiritual path, and fully expressing their soul's purpose. Subscribe to my main email list by entering your email below and clicking "get new post notification." You can also buy your Human Design Map or subscribe to my behind-the-scenes blog by clicking the links icon.

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