
Human Design with Christie Inge

being an example of self love (☀️ transits gate 10)

Published 5 months ago • 5 min read

Tomorrow, December 20th 2023 at 5:12am EDT, the sun will begin its transit in Gate 10.

When the sun is transiting a gate, it is giving you an opportunity to explore its energy and expand your creative expression.

Gate 10 is the archetype of The Self Love North Star and gives you the energy to be an example of radical self love.

Now is the time to notice how and when harnessing self love, personal empowerment, and being an example helps you be more authentic in your everyday life. If gate 10 is defined in your chart, you are likely to more clearly see where you are on the frequency spectrum of gate 10. And if it is undefined in your chart, you may notice what The Self Love North Star has to teach you about living life as your true self.

As above, so below.

Here is what gate 10 has shown me…

Self-love was a foreign concept to me until my early thirties.

When I first came across the idea, like so many, I was confused and needed clarification about what it even means to love oneself.

First and foremost, I thought that self-love was undoubtedly selfish. I’d been conditioned to believe that ignoring my own needs and taking care of others (especially emotionally) was how I earned Gold Stars from “God.”

I also thought self-love meant I was conceited, full of myself, or completely narcissistic.

And, I was at a breaking point.

I had recently started my business and naively assumed that being in charge of my schedule would somehow magically make my life a land of fairy tales.

And, don’t get me wrong, there is no part of me that wants to go back to working for other people. I’m unemployable, at this point.

But, just like so many of the people who are drawn to my work with the map, I still believed that the answers were outside of me. I was convinced that a change in outer circumstances would fix everything that seemed broken.

I woke up to the realization that the answers are – and always have been – inside of me. And learning to love and accept myself was the way.

I knew that if I were to grow into my authenticity and make the contribution that only I can make, self-love was my next step. There was no other way around it. The way I was living was not working.

Let’s be honest.

You don’t end up addicted to drugs, alcohol, and sex with strangers because you love yourself, right?

No. You don’t.

So, I decided to believe all those inspirational quotes about putting on my oxygen mask first and decided that I would learn to love myself.

But that was when the “real block” to self-love showed up.

I thought that deciding to love myself would be like waving a magic wand; in a flash, my self-hatred, unhealthy habits (gate 5), and shitty boundaries (gate 37) would disappear into thin air.

And, I assure you, if I had such a wand, I’d sell it on the internet for millions of dollars. LOL.

However, it doesn’t work like that. And it isn’t supposed to.

In this game of Divine Hide and Seek, we are being called into ourselves. And anytime we are seeking outside of ourselves for answers, they will keep hiding.

In reality, self-love is about devotion to your inner knowing. It’s a practice that gets really messy and requires the tenacity to keep choosing self-love, even when all of the odds are stacked against you.

Self-love is a path of understanding yourself, your needs, your values, and your heartfelt desires and healing the “blocks” that prevent you from prioritizing those things in your life.

As you likely already know, your Human Design chart is a beautiful doorway into discovering what it means to love yourself. I would even go so far as to say Human Design is a shortcut!

And you’re in luck. I’m a literal master at teaching you how to “heal your blocks.” In the Human Design Map, I’ll explain the most important parts of your design and teach you how to get out of your own way inside the Human Design Map + Portal. Get your access here.

Whether you use your Human Design as part of your journey into self-love, rest assured that it takes forgiveness, acceptance, patience, and radical honesty with yourself and others.

More importantly, it means you have to let people think whatever they want about you. Even if they think you are selfish, conceited, or full of yourself.


What other people think about you is none of your business.

As we move into the era of individual empowerment and the embodiment of spirit (2027 - 2438), it is essential to remember that other people’s thoughts, feelings, and actions are their own. And that their judgments of you are projections of their own disintegrated shadows.

Your fear of other people thinking “negative” things about you, and judging the shit out of yourself because of it, are the “blocks” to unshakable self love.

The energy you need to move forward with self-love is bound up in those fears. And reclaiming those lost parts of yourself is where you find your freedom.

Every single time.

When you do what is right for you, no matter what other people think…

… Self-hatred transforms into self-respect…

…Unhealthy habits alchemize into conscious and higher alignment choices…

…Shitty boundaries transform into honesty and integrity.

This magical combination of energy allows self-love to permeate the essence of your being, and you become a lighthouse that empowers others to do the same. It is gate 10 in action.

I’ll teach you “how” inside the Human Design Map + Portal.

On my own path, for which there are still plenty of miles to go, I’ve discovered that the more I practice self-love, the more I say yes to myself, and the more I create the space necessary for self-understanding, the more fun and meaningful my life is.

And ironically enough, the more I love myself, the easier it is for me to show up for others. By giving from the overflow of my full cup, I can be in genuine service without the bitterness and resentment that filled my earlier years.

I now trust that the more I give myself, the more I have to give to others. And that what other people think about my path is about them.

It can only be that way.

Over the next 6ish days, you may find it useful to explore these questions:

What do you want?

What do you value?

What are your heart-felt desires?

What boundaries do you need to establish and honor?

And what do those things look like in action?

What beliefs about yourself do you need to cultivate and what shadows do you need to heal to take those actions?

When you are ready to take the magick of Human Design to the next level, go on the journey with me, my team, and the map community here. Here is what makes it different from other resources:

  • Unrivaled Esoteric Understanding: Drawing from my deep well of expertise in magick, spiritual alchemy, and energy healing, I don't just explain your design—by engaging with your map and the abundance of resources in the portal, you will unlock your chart's alchemical potential.
  • Heretical Approach: My approach is known for being both liberating and practical. Free from the dogma of traditional Human Design, you’ll be empowered to explore your inner world without making your chart a rule book.
  • More Than Enough Information: Your map will cover your type + strategy, authority, profile, and all four gates of your incarnation cross. You’ll also get my 36 Channels Course, the Nine Centers Guide, the Gates Nuances Guide, the Transits Guided Practice, and numerous “quick and dirty” guides.
  • Guidance Every Step: You won’t be left hanging with questions or confusion about what to do next. Me and my team will be there to give you unwavering support as you go from knowing your design to embodying your authenticity with confidence.

Your Human Design is a map for remembering your magick. Every gate, line, center, and channel in your chart hold the power to transform your life in miraculous ways. You just gotta know how to access it.

Unlock the magick of your design here.

Christie Inge | Creator of the Human Design Map
5/2 Splenic Projector | LAX of the Clarion 2 (57/51, 62/61)

Human Design with Christie Inge

5/2 Splenic Projector, LAX of the Clarion 2 (57/51, 62/61)

I am a Master Energy Healer and Human Design expert who guides spiritual seekers and creatives to rediscover their soul's purpose and express their unique energy in an authentic and meaningful way. Through my work, I help clients gain an undeniable understanding of their Human Design and provide practical tools and support to apply it in their real lives. With my guidance, clients make a wildly valuable contribution to the world by unblocking their creative flow, connecting with their unique spiritual path, and fully expressing their soul's purpose. Subscribe to my main email list by entering your email below and clicking "get new post notification." You can also buy your Human Design Map or subscribe to my behind-the-scenes blog by clicking the links icon.

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